Monday 15 February 2010

First Entry

Hello and welcome to my blog!

This is a new medium for me and i thought it would be a good idea as i have alot of opinions and musings on life which alot of my friends would probably be bored of, plus the wondrous joy
of being able to edit what you mean rather than spewing out alot of inane babble is very useful!

I thought i'd start off by posting a great thing which could help alot of people. I get emails from Oxfam and this one particularly stood out for me. It's called ' the robin hood tax' and it seems like a great idea:

You can find out more about the campaign - and how to show your support for what they are doing here:

I've put on a few Oxjams in my time and used to be more involved with Oxfam and they always send me useful stuff, they're a good organisation.

After waking up this morning in a wine-induced stupor i checked the BBC iplayer for any new documentaries, like i usually do, and came across a Horizon documentary about 'infinity' called ' To Infinity and Beyond' (snort), there's a very ominous feel to it and a bunch of geeky maths professors talk about the mechanics of it, but it blew my mind, you should definitely check it out. The basis of my 'mind-blown-ness' was that they theorise that somewhere out there there's an exact copy of Earth with exact copies of all of us going about their lives and doing the same things we're doing. So somewhere out there there's another me posting this blog, but he/me could have taken a different turn in life and could be typing from a massive yacht rather than a terrace house in Salford! Carayzee-ness!

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